Season of Stewardship and Commitment 2025

From the Vestry

Dear Member of the St. Thomas Community:

Your generosity is the lifeblood of St. Thomas. Your support for our ministries is vital.

We have reached that period of the church year when our stewardship becomes a little more prominent in our discussion. Our stewardship actions define St Thomas’ ministries and our upcoming ‘Blessing of the Animals’ ministry is a small example. Other examples are our monthly contributions to The Reconciliation House and our support for activities such as The Circle of Security and our community garden. This year’s mission is to Walk in Love with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

We Walk in Love by giving to others which keeps us in concert with Christ. An essential message from Christ was, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Luke 6:31). St. Thomas strives to live up to this principle and the church asks for your support in order to do so.

Here are some points you might wish to keep in mind as you consider your pledge..

  • Community Outreach is part of St. Thomas’ mission.

  • While a budget has not been finalized, the cost for supporting St. Thomas in 2025 will be in the neighborhood of $140,000.

  • The budget draft is based upon the notion that St. Thomas Episcopal Church will have a permanent rector in place for the last 4 months of the 2025 calendar year.

  • The Church raises in the neighborhood of $15,000.00 through non-pledged plate contributions, fundraising, unpledged contributions, and property use by other organizations. The remainder of the church’s expenses must be covered by pledge contributions.

  • As in years past, the church’s objective is 100% pledge participation. Your pledge amount will be determined by what you believe is reasonable.

  • The cost of living for 2024 is up between 2% & 3%. You might wish to take this into consideration when making your pledge.

  • Our Stewardship campaign commences on Sunday, September 15th and will conclude on October 20th

  • A 2025 pledge card will be mailed to you, or you may download it below and print it. Please complete and submit your pledge card to the church as soon as possible. Your pledge card can be mailed to the church or placed in the plate in a sealed envelope.

    Thank you for taking the time to process this information. It is indeed a privilege to be part of the St.Thomas family and we sincerely hope that you feel that same joy and pleasure.

Return to P.O. Box 591, Burnsville, NC 28714 or placed in the offering plate in a sealed envelope.

From Our Priest

What makes you happy? What brings you joy?

Gratitude. Gratitude is the place where happiness begins, where joy can start.

Br. David Steindl-Rast writes about grateful living as the key to happiness. While we can’t be grateful for all things, we can practice to find gratitude in every moment. Every moment is gift; free, unearned, undeserved.

For happiness, we begin with gratitude.

Stewardship, the care of our wealth and our lives placed in our hands by God, is about gratitude, and giving, and happiness. It is not just about fund-raising, though that is a part of it: What will we do with our funds?

From ancient times, God’s people have supported the work of the Temple, the synagogue, the congregation, the mission, the Church.

It is about gratitude.

It is that time again when we are called upon to support our congregation, our ministry, our community of faith. St. Thomas, Burnsville, will grow, flourish, embrace, empower, and minister. Or not.

A time of transition is upon us in this interim period. Let’s be grateful and generous in every moment. Pledge a little bit more this year to help us build a solid foundation for the future.



(The Rev.) Victor C. Mansfield