St. Thomas Episcopal Church Vestry
Rector and Presiding Officer-Currently in process of finding new Rector
Emilie Mims, Junior Warden (2024)
Steve Prenger, Senior Warden (2023)
Sandra Saunders (2023)
Lee Sease (2025)
Phillip Smelser, Parish Treasurer – ex officio
Susan Whitington (2025)
The St. Thomas Vestry
The Vestry of St. Thomas Episcopal Church is made up of the Rector and six elected members. The Rector, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, and Treasurer (who may or may not be a vestry member) compose the “executive” members of the vestry.
Vestry members serve a three-year term and one-third of the vestry is rotated each year. Since our Vestry is composed of six members, each year we elect two new members.
The role of the Vestry is to:
Determine the vision and strategic plan for the parish | Download current vestry minutes
Ensure that proper records are kept
Help select parish leadership
Give direction to the various committees of the parish to ensure that the church is collectively working toward the fulfillment of its vision
The Vestry is the elected representative leadership of the parish community that makes informed decisions on behalf of the entire congregation. For an Episcopal church to exist, there must be a priest and a vestry working together to fulfill the roles stated above.
The Canons (rules of order) of the Episcopal Church state that the members of the parish membership elect vestry-persons at an annual meeting. By Canon, new vestry terms begin on January 1. The annual meeting with elections takes place each January in the context of regular worship and fellowship. In 2021, it will convene on Sunday, January 31.
Each summer, we hold an additional parish-wide gathering to ensure full inclusion of our seasonal members in the life of St. Thomas. In the context of a festive community celebration, the treasurer presents a mid-year financial report, and the vestry and priest offer and invite specific thanksgivings for staff members, the vital ministries of the laity, and our justice and outreach partners of the Abbey initiative.
It is important that election to the Vestry not be based upon popularity or used as a way of honoring elders.
In accordance with our parish bylaws and the Canons of the Diocese of Western North Carolina, the eligibility requirements for service on the vestry are as follows. The nominee must be:
16 years of age or older
A communicant in good standing, i.e. a regular attendee at the weekly Eucharist for at least six months
A contributor of record (known to the Treasurer), helping to support the ministries of this parish
Guidelines for the Position of Vestry Member at St. Thomas
The primary responsibility of a Vestry member in his/her ministry at St. Thomas is one of prayer for, and pastoral care of, the community of Christians gathered in this Church. Therefore,
Each member will agree to participate actively and regularly at worship services, educational, and fellowship activities.
Each member will actively agree to the principles of Christian stewardship.
Each member will assume the responsibility for attending all monthly Vestry meetings, including the annual retreat.
Each member will agree to help grow our parish leadership and enliven our mission by helping members discover their gifts and particular places of service within the St. Thomas community.