We are now in week three of our 2022 Season of Commitment. Hopefully you have been able to take a few minutes to reflect on how this year’s theme Grace, Gratitude and Generosity, weaves into your life.
If you haven’t taken that opportunity yet, I encourage you to take a few minutes to reflect on what sharing any of your gifts of time, talent or treasure may mean to you personally and the impact it may have on others in our community. Your gifts may be all that is needed to make the difference in someone’s life.
Naturally, in any stewardship campaign, there are two main goals. The first is to raise funds to run the church and its community outreach and the second is to get 100% participation from the congregation. We all recognize that the most important role of the church is to provide outreach to the broader community. With everyone’s participation contributing their gifts means the more we can do to help our neighbors. Imagine, if we each give 5% or 10% more, what this would allow our community to accomplish.
This week we share another video reflection from a fellow parishioner, as well as another letter of reflection related to stewardship. We strongly encourage our members to use our online Pledge form via the link provided. Pledges submitted via the online form reduces administrative time handling physical cards and manually entering the data.
Please submit your pledges no later than December 1st. This will allow your Vestry to finalize our St. Thomas community’s plans for 2022.
Thank you for being a part of St. Thomas and for your faithful, faith-filled gift to our annual campaign. A special thanks to those who have already submitted their pledge.
In the spirit of generosity and love,
Steve Prenger, Senior Warden
As our 2022 Season of Commitment progresses into week two, we continue to reflect on our theme of Grace, Gratitude and Generosity and the impacts it has on us as individuals, on our church community and the greater community of Burnsville and beyond.
Please spend some time reflecting on how your actions have made a difference in your personal life, our church community and community at large. This week we are sharing another video testimonial from a fellow parishioner and another letter of reflection related to stewardship.
We are including a link to our online Pledge form in each of our weekly emails for the purpose of making it easier for members to submit their pledge, save a stamp and simplify our process. We strongly encourage parishioners to utilize this tool. Pledges submitted via the online form reduces administrative time handling physical cards and entering the data.
Also, a reminder for all, please submit your pledges no later than December 1st. This will allow the Vestry to finalize our 2022 budget.
We invite you to prayerfully consider what gifts of time, talent and treasure that you are able to share to help us become stronger Christians and stronger Christian community partners. Thank you for being a part of St. Thomas and for your faithful, faith-filled gift to our annual campaign.
In the spirit of generosity and love,
Steve Prenger, Senior Warden
A Stewardship Reflection
by Lee Sease - November 7, 2021
We begin the 2022 Season of Commitment with deep Gratitude for God's Grace which has seen us through this difficult year, and a sense of Generosity as we look towards our future. Your vestry and priest at St. Thomas have continued to serve faithfully to maintain our connection during this time and, you too, have been faithful.
Beginning this week and over the next four weeks you will be receiving emails that introduce you to this year's campaign with a hope for our future. These emails will include links to the St. Thomas webpage that will include the campaign announcement letter, video testimonials from fellow parishioners, letters of reflection related to stewardship and a link for making online pledges.
We invite you to prayerfully consider what gifts of time, talent and treasure that you are able to share to help us become stronger Christians and stronger Christian community partners. Thank you for being a part of St. Thomas and for your faithful, faith-filled gift to our annual campaign.
In the spirit of generosity and love,
Steve Prenger
Chair of the Vestry
A Stewardship Reflection
by Asa Maynard - October 31, 2021